Selasa, 22 November 2011

Tugas 2 - Etika Profesi Akuntansi 1



1. Berilah contoh etika dalam bisnis diera perdagangan bebas saat ini(min5) ?
2. Bagaimana pendapat saudara terhadap pernyataan " kompetisi adalah konsep mereka yang berhasil menghancurkan musuh-musuhnya" !
3. Sebutkan contoh penerapan dari prinsip-prinsip JCG pada BUMN ? min 3 contoh tiap masing-masing prinsip !

jawab :

1. Contoh Etika dalam Bisnis di Perdagangan bebas
  • Tidak menyuap atau menyogok oknum-oknum pada saat melakukan tender.
  • Tidak menggunakan bahan-bahan yang berbahaya pada saat memproduksi suatu produk karena akan merugikan konsumen.
  • Tidak mencuri ide-ide dari pesaing bisnis.
  • Menaati segala bentuk peraturan yang berlaku di negara tersebut.
  • Bertanggung jawab atas segala bentuk kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh perusahaan.
  • Memberi upah kepada pegawai sesuai standar UMR dan memberi bonus saat menambah jam kerja.
2. Saya tidak setuju dengan pendapat tersebut karena pada era pedagangan bebas ini hal tersebut tidak penting dilakukan oleh perusahaan. perusahaan sebaiknya memikirkan sesuatu yang lebih baik lagi dengan strategi yang baik, kinerja perusahaan yang di tingkatkan, bahkan yang paling penting adalah dengan berinovativ membuat produk-produk baru / menambah manfaat lagi produk-produk yang sudah ada dengan begitu perusahaan bisa bertahan di era perdagangan bebas ini.

3. contoh penerapan dari prinsip-prinsip JCG pada BUMN

  • Terbuka dalam mengungkapkan laporan keuangan perusahaan untuk kepentingan internal ataupun eksternal
  • Perusahaan terbuka dalam memberikan informasi baik pada saat ada kecurangan-kecurangan yang dilakukan perusahaan.
  • Wajar dalam menyajikan laporan keuangan (laporan keuangan tidak direkayasa)
  • Sistem yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan wajar baik dari pemberian upah, standarisasi produk, keselamatan kerja dll
  • Perusahaan bertanggung jawab atas segala bentuk kerusakan yang terjadi akibat ulah perusahaan.
  • Perusahaan bertanggung jawab atas segala bentuk kualitas produk yang di produksinya.
  • Perusahaan tidak terlalu menggantungkan nasib perusahaan kepada pihak luar.
  • Dalam merekrut karyawan perusahaan tidak tergantung pada tenaga ahli yang berasal dari luar.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Tugas 1 _ Etika Profesi Akuntansi 1 _


Soal :

1. Sebutkan penerapan Etiket di Masyarakat ? (min. 5)
2. Apabila seseorang melanggar suatu Etika akan mendapatkan sanksi. Berikan contoh pelanggaran dan sanksinya yang berlaku di masyarakat min. 3 !
3. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan paham Hedonisme bila diterapkan di era globalisasi sekarang !

Jawab :

1. Penerapan Etiket di Masyarakat
a. Mengucapkan salam ketika masuk ke dalam rumah.
b. Menyerahkan sesuatu dengan tanggan kanan.
c. Tidak mengangkat kaki ketika makan.
d. Makan tidak boleh bersuara/berdecap dan setrelah makan tidak boleh bersendawa.
e. Tidak boleh buang angin sembarangan.
f. Tidak menggangkat kaki ketika makan.

2. - Contoh pelanggaran etika yang berlaku di masyarakat
a. Tidak menggunakan obat-obatan terlarang atau narkoba
b. Tidak nerduaan (lawan jenis) ditempat gelap/sepi.
c. Berbicara secara sopan, jujur (tidak berbohong), dan tidak membicarakan orang dibelakang
d. Berpakaian sopan
e. Tidak mencuri hak dari orang lain

- Sanksi apabila melanggarnya
a. Bisa terkena tegoran dari masyarakat, dikucilkan bahkan di usir dari lingkungan tersebut.
b. Bissa terkena jeratan hukum baik perdata maupun pidana

3. - Kelebihan paham Hedonisme
a. Memberikan seseorang untuk mempelajari sesuatu lebih dalam lagi.
b. Membantu seseorang dalam memberikan/mendapatkan informasi baik teknologi maupun budaya
c. Memberikan seseorang untuk mempunyai pola pikir yang kritis.

- Kekurangan Paham Hedonisme
a. Sering melupakan tanggung jawabnya karena yang dipikirkan adalah kesenangna diri sendiri
b. Terkadang lebih individualis
c. Merusak norma-norma yang ada.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

bahasa ingris bisnis 2 -tugas lan.2-


Future Tenses

Future Tense atau Simple Future digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang Akan Terjadi. Future tense adalah tentang Nanti. Sesuatu arti katanya Future yaitu “Masa Depan”. Karena itu dalam Future Tense penggunaan kata Will, Shall yang artinya akan pastilah mendominasi.

Masih ingat pembagian Tenses dalam garis besar kan? Yes, ada 3 besar Tenses yaitu: Past, Present dan Future (Dulu, Kini, Nanti).

Pegang ini kuat-kuat:
Setiap Future pasti pakai WILL atau SHALL, artinya AKAN. Namun ada juga yang namanya Past Future Tense nanti. Karena Past maka Will dan Shall nya pakai past juga yaitu “Would”, nanti kita pelajari lebih dalam di Past Future Tense. Oh ya, sesudah Will atau Shall atau Would pasilah diikuti bentuk 1 baik itu kata kerja atau kata kerja bantu.

Kembali ke laptop!.

Rumus Future Tense
Positif: S + will + V1
Negatif: S + will + not + V1
Tanya: Will + S + V1

Shall jarang digunakan. Bisanya Shall untuk Subject I dan We (I shall…, We shall….) dan tidak untuk yang lain. Tetapi lebih sering orang pakai I will.. dan We will.. Jadi untuk I dan We boleh pakai baik will atau shall. Sedangkan Subject yang lain seperti HE, SHE, IT, YOU, THEY, WE semuanya pakai Will. Kalau begitu, untuk mempermudah pemahaman saya HANYA akan gunakan WILL saja. Kan “WIL” itu enak toh? Itu tuh yang L nya satu! haha… becanda ya.

Contoh Kalimat Positif dalam Future Tense:
-I will study
-You will swim
-They will visit Tokyo

Silahkan buat sendiri contoh Future Tense versi Anda ya. Buat dalam hati saja, lalu ucapkan sendiri, hehe.. Sengaja contoh saya persimple agar mudah dimengerti.

Future Tense Kalimat Negatif

Kalimat Negatif untuk Future Tense juga luar biasa mudah, jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan menjalankan Internet Marketing Indonesia misalnya, apa hubungannya? ya nda ada sih. sekali-sekali ngelantur agar nda bosan, toh pelajaran ini ringan kok..

-I will not study
-You will not swim
-They will not visit Tokyo

Mudah kan?

Future Tense Kalimat Tanya

Tinggal dibalik saja, Will nya di depan.

-Will You study?
-Will You swim?
-Will They visit Tokyo?

Tentunya karena Future Tense bicara “Akan” maka keterangan waktu berikut biasa ditambahkan: tomorrow, next month, three days to go, next year dan segala sesatu yang menunjukkan “akan” tersebut.

-You will swim together tomorrow
-They will visit Tokyo next year
-No one will stop us now from loving each other
-I dont think They will come on time

Ref :

Bahasa inggris bisnis 2 - tugas lanj. 2 lg -



Used to express one's work, act or event which has just been completed but the timing is not specified.

Formula :

( + ) S + Has / Have + Verb 3

( ? ) Has / Have + S + Verb 3

( - ) S+ + Has / Have +Not + Verb 3

bahasa inggris bisnis 2 -tugas lan.4-


Verb Agreement

Subject – Verb Agreement

1. Neither bill nor marry is going to the play tonight.

2. Anything is better than going to another movie tonight.

3. Skating is becoming more popular every day.

4. A number ofreporters were at the conference yesterday.

5. Everybody who has a fever must go home immediately.

6. Your glasses was on the bureau last night.

7. There were some people at the meeting last night.

8. The committe has already reached a decision.

9. A pairvof jeans were inthe washing machine this morning.

10. Each student has answered the first three questions.

11. Either john or his wife makes breakfast each morning.

12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything was in order.

13. The crowd at the basketball game were wild with excitement.

14. A pack of wild dogs have frightened all the ducks away.

15. The jury is trying to reach a decision.

16. The army has eliminated this section of the training test.

17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter are

18. There have been too many interruptions in this class.

19. Every elementary school teacher has to yake this examination.

20. Neither jill nor her parents has seen this movie before

Verb as complement

1. The teacher decided to accept the paper.

2. They approciate having this information.

3. His father doesn’t approve of this going to Europe.

4. We found it very dificult to reach a decision.

5. Donna is interested in opening a bar.

6. George has no interesion of leaving the city now.

7. We are eager to return to school in the fall.

8. You would be better off buying this car.

9. The refused To accept the gift.

10. Mary regrets to be the one to have to tell him.

11. George pretended to be sick yesterday.

12. Carlos hopes to finish his thesis this year.

13. They a greed to leave carly.

14. Helen was anxious telling her family about her promotion.

15. We are not ready to stop this research at this time.

16. Henry shouldn’t risk driving so fast.

17. He demands to know what is going on.

18. She is looking forward to return to her country.

19. There is no excuse for leaving the room in this condition.

20. Gerald returned to his home after leaving the game

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011



Ties, according to the Association of American Neck Accessories, have a long history of twisting its development. Since the stone age any accessory in the neck and chest already exist, in particular to characterize the group of men from the high strata.

In fact, in Ancient Roman times have been used fabric to protect the neck and throat, especially by his spokesman. In its development, the Roman army soldiers were wearing them. Proof wore neck cloths accessories appear on stone sculpture in ancient tombs, Xian, China.

Other famous neck accessory appeared in the Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), namely "ruff". Stiff collar of the white cloth shaped like a large disk that circles the neck. To maintain shape, often starched ruff. Gradually people feel ruff that piles up to several centimeters thick irritating.

Thus was born "cravats" in the reign of Louis XIV in 1660's. However, Croatia is more accurately described as homeland ties. Even supposedly the word is derived from the name of the country Hrvatska Croatia in the local language.

This is according to Francoise Chaile narrative in the book La Grande Historie de la Cravate (Flamarion, Paris, 1994). "... Around the year 1635, about six thousand soldiers and knights came to Paris, who was hired by Louis XIII and Richelieu. Their traditional clothing is very interesting. A single handkerchief tied around his neck in a special way. Handkerchief was made of various fabrics, of a similar uniform, fine cotton, to silk. This unique style soon 'conquer France'. Moreover, this method is more practical than a rigid collar. Sweep it's just hands tied, with the ends left loose. "

So disebutlah handkerchief cravats, meaning "people of Croatia."

As accessory neck in the stone age, the beauty of cravats and show the class how to tie wearer. It is said that Beau Brummell (1778 - 1840), which many affect the development of fashion, it took many hours to tie his cravats.

Many technical books published tying cravats. One of them featuring 32 ways, despite the fact there are over 100 ways officially known at the time. Likewise, there are people who want to express their personality with his own creations.

Next comes the adab wearing cravats. Someone never touch another person cravats. If it happens, the action can be fatal, that duel.

Even superstition was growing in seputaran cravats. It is said that when Napoleon Bonaparte was wearing a black cravats that wrapped twice around the neck, he always wins the war. Unfortunately, when the waterfalls at Waterloo he was wearing white cravats. The result? He also "fall".

The 1860's by the end of a long cravats began to resemble modern accessories alias neck tie. When the fashion show collared shirt, tie concluded under the chin, the tip length is dangling in front of the shirt. While the tie new butterfly-shaped popular in the 1890s.

With advances in technology, now the tie is getting a variety of colors, design, and texture. As a result, more than 100 million tie a tie invade a variety of outlets every year.

In 2002 a Canadian singer, Avril Lavigne popularized the use of a tie in a casual for the young women.

Ref :

Star formation


Stars form in molecular clouds, namely a broad region of the interstellar medium with a high density (though still less tightly when compared with a vacuum chamber on Earth). These clouds consist mostly of hydrogen with about 23-28% helium and a few percent heavier elements. Composition of elements in the cloud has not changed much since the Big Bang nucleosynthesis in the early universe.

Gravity takes a very important role in the process of star formation. Star formation begins with gravitational instability inside a molecular cloud can have a thousand times the mass of the sun. This instability is often triggered by shock waves from supernovae or the collision between two galaxies. Once a region reaches a sufficient density of matter qualifies the Jeans instability, the cloud began to collapse under its own gravity.

Based on the Jeans instability condition, the stars are not formed independently, but in a group that originated from a collapse in a large molecular cloud, then split into individual conglomerate. This is supported by the observation that many same-old star joined in a star cluster or association.

Once the cloud collapse, will occur individual conglomerate of dense dust and gas called Bok globula. Bok Globula can have up to 50 times the mass of the Sun. The collapse globula create increased density. In this process the gravitational energy is converted into heat energy so that the temperature increases. When the cloud of this protostar reaches hydrostatic equilibrium, a protostar will form in the core. Pre-main sequence stars are often surrounded by a protoplanetary disk. Shrinkage or collapse of molecular cloud takes up to tens of millions of years. When the increase in core temperature protostar reaches the range of 10 million kelvin, hydrogen in the core 'burned' into helium in a thermonuclear reaction. Nuclear reactions inside the star's core to supply enough energy to maintain the pressure at the center so that the shrinkage stops. Protostar is now starting a new life as a main sequence star.

Ref :



Stars are celestial bodies that emit light. There are pseudo-stars and real stars. Artificial star is a star that does not produce its own light, but reflect light received from another star. Real star is the star that produces its own light. In general, the star designation is the object space that produce their own light (real star).

According to the science of astronomy, the definition of a star is:
"All massive objects (with mass between 0.08 to 200 solar masses) which was and never creates a generation of energy through nuclear fusion reactions. "

Therefore, white dwarfs and neutron stars which emit no light or energy still referred to as a star. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun at a distance of about 149,680,000 kilometers, followed by Proxima Centauri in the constellation Centaurus is about four light years.

Ref :

How to dress up / Make Up with perfect


Based on the professional opinion of beauty, the face is the mirror of one's personality. Therefore, dress is a way to make us more perfect face. Here are the steps that must be considered in the dress up / make up.

Creating basic makeup:
Before starting, make sure the face has been washed clean. Can also be cleaned using a suitable cleansing milk for dry skin like face, oily or combination normal. Or wash it with soap activism baketeri if the face acne. After that dry using a clean dry towel. Wipe with a toner evenly using a cotton. Rub the skin well moisturized face and massage gently but avoid the eyes exposed moisturizer. It will dry out oily skin and soften dry skin. Wait about 10 minutes so thoroughly moisturizing the skin diresap face.

Creating basic grooming on found is critical for grooming the perfect result. The first step is to choose a base that can be included in skin color. Starting from the forehead with the help of a quality sponge, and headed toward the throat. Dark circles, blemishes and acne on the face can be samarkan by using sticks penyamar. Blush make a face more radiant. You must choose a blush color by color of your lips. By using a brush, put on the cheek in the form of a triangle.

Grooming Eyes:
The eyes are the most expressive part of a person. To start grooming the eye, first apply a light-colored powder under the brow to highlight the brow bone. With the help of an eyebrow pencil, draw a perfect line. Eye-liner makes eyes awake, therefore it is necessary to make-up is perfect. Eye shadow helps in enhancing the beauty of the eye. If you want to create long-lasting eye shadow, you should use a makeup brush soaked.

Lip grooming:
Lips is the most beautiful in the face. To make the lips ready to the make-up, the first bonded a little lip balm on your lips. Then with the help of tissue paper, eliminate before applying lip liner. First, outline your lip line. Never try to reduce or increase the shape or size of your lips. Now, use brightly colored pencils to fill the inside of your lips. Now, using a brush, apply lipstick evenly on your lips, along with a little lip gloss to shine.

Ref :

How to Dress Alone in Day Reception


Wedding day is the most important day in your life, which will hold fond memories for a lifetime. Therefore, even if only one day, you must look as good and as perfect as possible.

One of the most important being in the affairs of the make-up weddings. For this important day, you are advised to take professional facial cosmetic services because they know how to disguise the flaws in your face and make your face look pretty perfect, especially when shooting.

But, not impossible if you want to try to do their own makeup without a wedding package for example. Just follow these tips!

First of all, your facial skin care incentives. Perform regular facials once a week, at least one month before your wedding so that his face looks fresh, clean and protected from stains and acne.

Steps to apply makeup

Before you use foundation, apply makeup primer, which is a kind of cream or balm that works to make a softer face and makes makeup last longer.

Should select a foundation stick or cream form, because it is more durable. Spread across five points of the face such as the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin right-left. Apply also on the neck for no blemishes finery. Then drag it slightly to use a special sponge.

Because the foundation of this type tend to contain much oil, pulaskan powder after wearing foundation for the face is not shiny. After that, cover with solid powder.

For eye makeup, use eye primer before eye shadow daub. Use powder eye shadow using a brush gives better results than the eye shadow cream or liquid form.

Beautify your eyes with mascara. Use eyelash curler, clamp gradually starting from the base, middle to the end of the lashes. This makes your lashes look dramatic without seeming stiff tapering. After that, continue with waterproof mascara.

The next step, use blush on the face looks fresh for blushing. Put blush on powder using a large brush with memuta movement so the results look natural.

Prior to daub of lipstick, lip Dab with foundation or concealer. In addition to leveling the color of lipstick, this way also make the lipstick last longer. Ulaskan lipstick using a brush for more even color and texture. If you want to use lip gloss, simply apply at the center of the lips for kilapnya not excessive.

For a finishing touch, sprinkle with shimmery face powder for the glamorous image and illuminated.

Ref :

Vitamin A


Benefits of Vitamin A

* Vitamin A helps cells reproduce normally, a process called differentiation. The cells are not differentiated by should be changed to pre-cancer.

* Vitamin A is needed for vision. Vitamin A is maintaining healthy cells in various kinds of eye structure and is required for the transfer of light into the signs of nerves in the retina.

* Vitamin A is required for normal growth and development of embryo and fetus, influencing genes that determine the development of a series of organs in embryonic development.

* Vitamin A is required for normal reproductive function, with influences on the function and formation of sperm, ovaries and placenta.

Early signs of vitamin A deficiency:

* Lack of vision at night.
* Dry skin
* Increased risk of infections, and metaplasia (a pre-cancerous condition).
* severe Vitamin A deficiency, which can cause blindness, were extremely rare in the western environment.

Ref :

Places of options to see Sakura flower


In 1990, Sakura Flower Association of Japan (Japan Cherry Blossom Association) issued a list of 100 places were selected to see the beauty of Sakura flower.

Kanto Region:

* Tokyo: Ueno Park (Taito-ku), Park-gyoen Shinjuku (Shinjuku-ku), Sumida Park (Sumida-ku), Koganei Park (the city of Koganei), Park Inogashira (Musashino city)

Tokai Area:

* Gifu Prefecture: Park Usuzumi / Neodani (city Motosu), Edge of the River Shinsakai (Kakamigahara city), Kamagatani (city Ikeda)

Kansai Region:

* Osaka: Osaka Castle Park (Osaka), The Mint Bureau (Osaka), Garden Expo '70 (the city of Suita)
* Hyogo Prefecture: Park Himeji Castle (Himeji city), Park Akashi (Akashi City), Park Shukugawa (Nishinomiya)
* Nara Prefecture: Nara Park (Nara city), Mount Yoshino (Yoshino town), Park Kooriyamajoshi (Yamato Kooriyama)

Ref :

Sakura Flower Types


Most of the types of cherry trees is the result of crossbreeding, such as the type someiyoshino spread throughout Japan since the Meiji period was the result of cross cherry tree in the late Edo period. Sakura someiyoshino this type is very widespread, so most people only know someiyoshino (which is one type of sakura) as a cherry.

In the old days before any kind of someiyoshino, Japanese people familiar with the cherry blossoms are blooming in the mountains called yamazakura and yaezaki no sakura as sakura. At the time the cherry blossoms blooming, thousands of trees that grow in the Mountains Yamazakura Yoshino (Nara Prefecture) creates stunning views of white, light green, and pink.

Some types of cherry:

* Edohigan

Edohigan is the cherry that blooms in spring equinox day and most long-lived flowers. Other types are similar to edohigan ishiwarizakura and yamadakashinyozakura which includes cherry trees are protected. Miharutakizakura is one of the branches dangle edohigan-juntai, while yaebenishidare known leaves a lot of flowers and bright colors.

* Hikanzakura

Hikanzakura kanhizakura is also called cherry spread from the southern Chinese territory up to the island of Formosa. Kanhizakura commonly found growing wild in Okinawa Prefecture. For the people of Okinawa, the word "sakura" often means hikansakura. Announcement of blooming cherry blossoms in Okinawa usually means blooming hikanzakura. In Okinawa, hikanzakura flower buds begin to open around January or February. On the island of Honshu, hikanzakura widely planted from the Kanto region to Kyushu and usually begin to bloom around February or March.

* Shidarezakura

Cherry blossoms shidare type (Shidarezakura)

* Fuyuzakura

Fuyuzakura (winter cherry) is a type of cherry tree that flowers bloom around November to late December. Onishimachi in Gunma Prefecture is the place to see fuyuzakura famous.

Ref :

hallmark cherry blossoms


Typical types someiyoshino sakura is the first flower blooming before the leaves start to come out. Dozens, hundreds, even thousands of trees that are in the same location, the flowers begin to bloom in unison and fall out one by one at almost the same time.

Cherry blossoms someiyoshino type can only last approximately 7 to 10 days calculated from the flower buds open to flowers began to fall. Impeachment of the cherry blossoms depending on weather conditions and often precipitated by heavy rains and strong winds. Several species of birds known to eat the flowers taste sweet, while the pigeons ate all the flowers.

Rare opportunity rollicking picnic under the cherry tree to enjoy the flowering of cherry blossoms is called hanami (ohanami). While doing hanami is when all the cherry tree which is somewhere all the flowers had bloomed.

In Japan there are standards to convey the information level of the cherry blossoms bloom, ranging from the opening of flower buds (kaika), flowering of 10% of flower buds on the trees (ichibuzaki) until the flowers bloom all (mankai). Flowers that fall immediately replaced with the release of young leaves. Cherry tree that flowers begin to fall out and start growing young leaves as much as 10% called ichibu hazakura. Meanwhile, the cherry tree that all the flowers have fallen and only the young leaves have called hazakura (cherry leaf).

Flowers bloom from tree species yamazakura more slowly than other types of someiyoshino and flowers bloom along with the release of young leaves.

ref :

cherry blossoms


Sakura (桜, ?) along with chrysanthemums, is a Japanese national flower that blooms in spring, around early April to late April.

Sakura can be seen everywhere in Japan, shown in a wide range of consumer goods, including kimono, stationery, and kitchen appliances. For the Japanese, the cherry is an important symbol, which is often associated with women, life, death, and also a symbol to express the bond between people, courage, sadness, and joy. Sakura is also a metaphor for characteristics that are not eternal life.